1 thought on “Where is the textile industry in Fuzhou's main concentration”

  1. 福建泉州等沿海一带开始出现一些小型服装加工厂,此时的作坊式小厂就像一个个“星星之火”,在经过了狂风暴雨的洗礼后,通过“来料加工、来样加工、来The assembly and compensation trade "slowly extended the development, and eventually created the new world of the textile industry. After more than 40 years of development, in 2013, Changle textile enterprises achieved an output value of 114 billion yuan in that year, which is also the first industrial cluster to achieve 100 billion yuan in output value.

    not only Changle City, at the same time, Quanzhou Jinjiang also developed step by step. As the largest industry in Jinjiang City, the textile and clothing industry exceeded the 100 billion mark in 2016, achieving a total output value of 110.5 billion yuan. What's even more surprising is that Jinjiang is the county -level city with the most famous trademarks in China, and has emerged as well as well -known brands including Ninemason, Seven Wolf, Jinba, Qi Brand, Lilang and other consumers, and has become the leading force in the men's market.

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