wholesale turquoise jewelry new mexico 10 gold coins, one of which is a pseudo currency that is different from other weights, how can we call the pseudo coins in three times?

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5 thoughts on “wholesale turquoise jewelry new mexico 10 gold coins, one of which is a pseudo currency that is different from other weights, how can we call the pseudo coins in three times?”

  1. jewelry at bj's wholesale club It is not said that pseudo-coins are light, and it is possible that the fake coins are heavier

    should be divided into 3,3,4 to call
    n1 ... If the two groups are the same, the pseudo currency is in the four groups. Then take two from 4 to the weight-> 2
    2 ... if two are the same Heavy, pseudo-coins are in the remaining two, one of the two of them and one of the two and one of the two real currency just now-> 3
    3 ........ If the same heavy, the pseudo coin is the unreamed of the
    3 ......... If it is not the same, the pseudo coin is the last one
    2 .... If It's different, indicating that one of these two is a pseudo-coin. From the other 8 of them, take out one
    comparement of one of these two-> 4
    4 ...... ... If the same heavier, the pseudo coins are another unsteady
    4 .... If it is not the same, this is the pseudo currency
    1 ... If the two groups are different, , Pseudo-coins are one of the two groups. From the other four groups of real currency with
    , the lighter group is called-> 5
    5 .... If the same Heavy, it means that the pseudo-coins are of the three of the other group, and the pseudo currency is heavier. Two names of
    in the pseudo-coin group-> 6
    6 ........... If the same heavier, it means that the one who is not called is a pseudo -coin
    6 ......... If it is not the same, the heavy one is the pseudo coin
    5 ... if it is different It shows that the pseudo coins are in this group, and the pseudo currency is relatively light. Two names from this pseudo currency group-> 7
    7 ... It's a pseudo coin
    7 ......... If the same heavier, the light one is the pseudo currency ##

  2. dropship wholesale wedding jewelry First divide the gold coins into 5: 5 once (the light side has a pseudo coin), and then take out 4 2: 2 once every 2: 2 (the same means that the pseudo coins are the same as the same level. Repeat this step in the high and low), and then call the pseudo -coin one side once, the lightness is the pseudo currency.
    Therefore, it is possible to be called pseudo -coins twice, and the method is correct three times.

  3. jewelry displays wholesale miami 1. For the first time, divide into three copies, three, three, four
    , place the two or three coins on both ends of the balance
    . If the balance is balanced, the fake coins are at four copies. In the coin, A
    If the balance is unbalanced, the pseudo currency is lighter.
    2, A, if the pseudo coins are among the four coins, they are divided into two copies. The pseudo coins are lighter,
    The light is pseudo -coin
    B. If the pseudo -coin is among the three coins, only two of them are placed on the balance. If the balance is balanced, the one that is not placed on the balance is a pseudo coin; if the balance is unbalanced, the lighter one is a pseudo -coin.
    I actually called only twice in the case of B! Intersection

  4. abalone shell jewelry wholesale 答案,有点复杂,慢慢看,要不就照着做一次rn判断伪币的轻重很重要,必须考虑rnrn先分3(ABC),3(DEF), 4 (number GHIJ)
    In Tianping first referred to 3, 3
    (1): ABC-DEF flat, fake currency in 4 miles
    g-h, H-I, the flat is true, the other is fake, and the flat is J
    (2): ABC-Def is not fair (remembered), in ABCDEF,
    mades are called AE-BF,
    {ae-bf flat, exchange C and E,
    is also D, inconsistent C}
    ) Then compare (ABC-DEF),
    Conclusion 1: If it is the same direction, in A and F, otherwise in B, E}

    and then called A-B ,
    , according to conclusion I, we can know whether it is F or E
    . According to conclusions, you know whether it is A or B

  5. stud jewelry for earrings wholesale Tools: Tianping is called

    Plip the gold coin into 5: 5 once (the light side has a pseudo coin)

    : 2: Once (the same level represents the pseudo coins, repeat this step if there are high and low)

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